STB Setup – Smart TV
1. Open STB Emulator app
2. Hold OK/Select / menu button – pulls up menu in top right
Select Settings
3. Select Profile
4. Add New – name it the service you would like
ok3, titan4k, zon2, smart4k, glotv, lucid, ok4
note: contact us if you do not know which service to select
5. Go to Portal settings
6. Select Portal URL
note: contact us if you do not know which service to select
For OK3 Change it to ‘‘
FOR TITAN type ‘’
FOR ZON2 type ‘’
FOR SMART4k type ‘’
FOR GLOTV type ‘’
FOR LUCID type ‘’
FOR OK4 type ‘’
7. Go back a menu – Go to STB Configuration
*Make a note of the MAC – this is used for account activation
00:1A:79: .. .. ..
Contact us with the service you would like & your MAC Address and we will activate the service
8. Exit settings – keep pushing the back button
9. Reload profile – menu top right, go down to profile and select the profile you just created
see this link for more information on selecting the profile
Smart TV – Sony & LG