Authentication Error

Authentication Error / Authentication Problem

This may be caused for a couple reasons.

1. The MAC is in use on another device

– if the MAC address is used on a second device and both devices are being used at the same time, you will get an authentication error.

– if you have two devices on the same subscription, and use them at the same time, you will get an authentication error

– make sure to Exit the app after each use
To do this, Hold select – menu top right – Exit

2. There is a server issue

Reload the profile,
– Hold select – menu top right – go down to profileselect the selected profile to reload it

If you continue to get the error, we will need to change the MAC on the account

– bring the box into the store, and we will change the MAC address to fix this issue, or call in to the store, and we will email instructions on how to change the MAC

Reloading Portal