OK3 Server Change

Setting up STB Emu – Changing the Portal URL

1.       Go into the STB Emulator (Live TV app) –

2.       Hold OK/Select – pulls up menu in top right

3.       Settings  – click OK/Select it

4.       Profile – go down to profile click OK/select

5.      Select OK3  – go over to the right and go into the ok3 profile when it is greyed out – if the red x is blue, don’t select it or it will delete it

6.       Go to Portal settings

7.       Portal URL

8.       Change it so it reads http://ok3.se
(delete: “:8000/c”)

–          Click on it, click the down arrow twice and it will bring you to the right of the URL, OK/Select will bring up the keyboard, x button in top right of keyboard will delete, then just delete to http://ok3.se

–          Remove the keyboard on screen by hitting the back button, go to OK on the screen to save it

9.       Exit out of settings  – keep pushing the back button

10.   Reload profile – Exit settings, hold ok-menu top right, go down to profile, select ok3/3, or, power cycle box, or menu top right – exit, go back in to stb emu